Thursday, 3 May 2012

QlikView Power Tools v1.1 Released

An updated set of QlikView Power Tools has been released including a couple of new tools:
  • QlikView Server Super Agent - A monitoring tool for QlikView Server, that monitors Qv services regardless of version (9+) and reports any service outage with email notifications and/or log files
  • Qv Server Object Connector - A custom data connector for QlikView that much like the SharedFileViewer provides insight into .shared files, but instead allows to load data straight from .shared files into QlikView documents for analysis. The tool supports extraction of data like ownership, size and type of objects, expressions, annotations, bookmark selections (fields and values) and much more.
And updated versions of the following tools:
  • QlikView Server Agent
  • Qv User Manager
  • Server Object Handler
  • Shared File Viewer
You can read more details and download the Power Tools from

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