Sunday, 19 October 2014

QlikView Web Syntax Highlighter v1.0

Hot on the heals of last week's release of QlikView for WordPress, I'm pleased to announce the first full release of QlikView Web Syntax Highlighter v1.0 which the WordPress plugin is based on.

QlikView Web Syntax Highlighter provides basic syntax highlighting of QlikView script and expressions within web pages. It utilises a custom build of Highlight.js to apply the highlighting dynamically when the web page is viewed.

This version includes the following functionality:
  • Highlighting of all current (v11.20) functions
  • Highlighting of all current (v11.20) keywords and statements
  • Highlighting of line comments (//) and block comments (/* */ and REM ; )
  • Highlighting of variable definitions (SET and LET)
  • Highlighting the usage of variable within dollar-sign expansion $( )
  • Highlighting of field names in most situations 
As always, grab the download link and full instructions from the QlikView Web Syntax Highlighter page. If you find any issues or have any suggestions, please leave me a comment below.

Friday, 17 October 2014

QlikView for WordPress Plugin v0.2

As you may well have seen already, yesterday I released the first official pre-release of QlikView for WordPress plugin. This plugin brings syntax highlighting of QlikView script and expressions within posts and pages to WordPress blogs and websites.

A QlikView expressions showing syntax highlighting

The syntax highlighting is currently an approximation of that within the QlikView script and expression editors. It is however expected that the highlighting will be improved in later versions. The next version will include significant improvements to highlighting of expressions as well as some minor bug fixes.

Downloads and full instructions for installation and use can be found on the QlikView for WordPress page, or alternatively on the website.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Coming soon - QlikView Syntax Highlighting for the Web

I thought I'd let you all in on another little project I've been tinkering with on the side. I have had a long standing problem when blogging about QlikView. Most of my posts contain snippets of QlikView script or expression code which can be very hard to read if it is not syntax highlighted in at least an approximation of how it is highlighted within QlikView. I considered using images taken from screen grabs of the code in QlikView, but this means readers can't copy and paste the code into their QlikView projects making it less than ideal. And so I am left with the time consuming task of having to manually highlight code snippets in my posts, and this means less time for new posts.

//Define the table name
SET vMyTable = 'MyTable1';

//Load in the table of data
    text(C) & ' a string' AS C
RESIDENT $(vMyTable);

Friday, 3 October 2014

QlikView UltraEdit Wordfile v2.0

QlikView language definition for UltaEdit v2.0 has been release.

This version is a huge leap from the first release and so has been labelled as a new major release. Some of the new features include:
  • Missing keywords added including TABLES, FIELDS and UNTIL
  • Store statements, Qualify and Unqualify statements, info loads, mapping loads, join and keep statements are all now identified in the UltraEdit Function List
  • REM has been added as a block comment. Note, unlike QlikView, UltraEdit can't apply a REM comment only if it appears at the start of a line and thus REM comments will be highlighted wherever they appear.
  • Added UltraEdit templates for commonly used statements and code snippets including:
    •   Binary load
    •   Include statement
    •   Test script
    •   Environment variables
    •   Calendar script - Basic
    •   Calendar script - Basic - From Field
    •   Set statement
    •   Let Statement
    •   Script Header Comment
    •   Script Section Comment
As always, full instructions and download links can be found on the QlikView for UltraEdit page. Alternatively you can find them on or on GitHub.
If you have any ideas for other code templates or find any problems, let me know by leaving a comment or raising an issue on GitHub.