Tuesday, 17 July 2012

QlikViewAddict.com is the First QlikView Blog for Amazon Kindle

OK, so I might not have been posting as much as I'd like lately but I have been busy behind the scenes on a number of new additions to the site. One of which I'm very proud to launch today.

QlikViewAddict.com is the first QlikView blog available for the Amazon Kindle. Its easy to subscribe and any new posts will be automatically delivered to your kindle for you to read at your leisure. For those who have the pleasure of sitting on trains a lot like myself, my Kindle is a lifeline to keep me sane. Unfortunately, there is a small monthly subscription fee of just 99p. I'd love to provide it free (Amazon actually won't let me) but the subscription fee covers the cost of delivering updates to your Kindle automatically.

I'm still fine tuning the integration with Amazon, so expect the odd formatting error but hopefully these should be ironed out very soon.

To subscribe, simply click the Amazon Kindle logo on the right navigation bar, or search for "qlikviewaddict" in the Kindle Store on your Kindle device.

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