Wednesday, 17 June 2015 gets a face lift

As you can see, has started to go through a redesign. It's been something I've been planning for a while now and it isn't yet complete. Over the next few days I'll be rolling out the rest of the redesign and I'll do my best to keep any disruption to the site to a minimum. If you do find the site is down at any time, please call back a little later.

It still astonishes me the volume of traffic this site gets and I feel guilty for not finding the time to blog more than I do. This redesign will hopefully be the start of a few changes to the site which I hope will reignite my enthusiasm.

- Matt


  1. I like the new style, very fresh and modern!

    1. Glad you like it. Bringing it under the Datoniq fold ( will hopefully allow me to ensure I find more time to blog.

      - Matt
